Sunday, November 27, 2011

November Meeting Re-Cap and Cookie Exchange!

Our November MOPS meeting topic was "Making MOMSENSE out of Advent-Keeping God Numero Uno in our Lives".  Dawson McQuaig, Associate Pastor at Bradfordville First Baptist Church spoke to us about family traditions for Advent, and preparing for Jesus' arrival with our families.  One of his great suggestions was "The Three Trees: Storybook Advent Singles", which is the perfect Easter or Christmas story.  Three Trees is inspired and adapted from a folktale. The Three Trees teaches us the wisdom of letting God determine our destiny and how what can at first appear to be a defeat can quickly become the ultimate achievement when God works through you. It's about the gifts we receive and how often we don't realize blessings in disguise. 

We will be having a MOPS Cookie Exchange on Friday, December 2nd at 7:00 p.m. at Bradfordville First Baptist Church (in the MacMillan Center where we have our MOPS meetings).  Everyone should bring enough cookies to share at the meeting, and exchange.  We will hopefully all go home with some cookies to share with our families!  Please eat dinner first, but save room for dessert so you can try lots of yummy cookies!