Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chick-fil-A Backstage Kitchen Tour!

 Several MOPS moms and MOPPETS met at the Chick-fil-A on North Monroe Street on Tuesday for a "backstage kitchen tour".  Miss Wendy was our Tour Guide, and she handed out backstage passes and hats for all the "tourists".  After a brief introduction to Truett Cathy (founder of CFA) and information regarding his foundation, WinShape, she took us back in two separate groups to tour both the front counter area, and the kitchen, including the big cooler and the freezer.  We got to see where they hand-make their lemonade; mix the biscuits at 5:30 in the morning; the area where they make the salads (all produce is grown from local farms); and we saw them take the raw chicken from the refrigerated table, dip it in the milk bath, and bread it.  If I'm not mistaken, I believe he said the recipe for the chicken sandwiches/nuggets came from Truett Cathy's mother in 1939.  Yes, the chicken patties are not frozen, but made fresh there on-site!  The buns are from a bakery in Thomasville. They get a new truck in every two days of produce, buns, chicken, salad makings, etc.  Even though it is "fast" food, everything is very fresh!  After that, Miss Wendy gave everyone the chance to sample something we may not have tried before: carrot/raisin salad, chicken noodle soup, or coleslaw.  Then, she let each child go behind the counter one by one to make their very own Ice Dream cone!  This recipe too, comes from 1939, and has only been "tweaked" a little bit throughout the years.  Still more treats awaited us-Miss Wendy gave everyone the choice between a CFA cow PEZ dispenser, or a CFA stuffed cow!!!  I think moms and kids alike learned a lot, AND had a great time, thanks to our fabulous tour guide, Miss Wendy!

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