Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fire Safety/Fire Engine!

We had a super fun MOPS meeting yesterday! The Bradfordville Fire Department firemen came to speak to us about Fire Safety, and brought a fire engine for the MOPPETS!  After some really yummy food provided by the Candyland Cuties table; and a very relevant devotional by our Prayer and Care mom, Sharon, the firemen answered all our questions about fire safety and gave us some really useful tips such as:

  • A fire alarm is only good if it actually works-change your batteries at DST so you won't forget.
  • Fire alarms should always be near the kitchen and bedrooms.
  • Never leave bathroom exhaust fans on for long periods of time, because lint gathers in them, and they can lock up, causing a fire.
  • NEVER leave your house with a washer/dryer or dishwasher running.
  • It is best to unplug computers, power strips,  and other appliances before leaving the house in case of an electrical short.
  • Always call 911 in the event of a fire-NEVER call the actual fire station, as the firemen may be out speaking to a school or a MOPS group :-).
  • Have a home fire safety plan.  Designate a place to meet outside of the house, preferably one that can be seen from a window or the front door so you can just visually check to make sure everyone's out before you head out yourself.
  • In the event of an electrical fire, DO NOT put water on it-you could be electrocuted.  Turn off the main breaker to the electricity.
  • Make sure your house is properly marked, and give the 911 operator a cross street so that your house can be easily located in the event of a fire.
The MOPPETS workers then brought all of the MOPPETS upstairs so that we could all go see the Fire Engine!!!  The kids got to climb into the truck if they wanted, and learn about the different equipment on the fire truck.  They got to see one of the fireman put on his full fire-fighting uniform, and then they lined up to give him a high five.  Each child received a Tallahassee Fire Department coloring book, and a sticker. The smiles on the kids' faces were priceless (except for one little one who was a little frightened-the fireman DID look a little scary in his full uniform and mask)!  We managed to herd all of the kids to the front of the fire engine to get a group picture.  How adorable are they!?

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 11th and a really fabulous photographer with YEARS of experience in photographing infants, children, families, weddings, and any special occasion/event you can think of is coming to speak to our MOPS group about how to spot, look, and take a great picture!  Please bring 1-2 pictures to share.  I have known Cindy for over four years, and she has become not just our family photographer, but a dear friend.  She is a strong Christian woman; has two fabulous boys; and used to be in a MOPS group when her boys were babies.  We are so blessed to have her as a speaker!  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Re-Cap of First Meeting and New Room

We started off the MOPS year with a great breakfast provided by the Steering Committee Team, and getting to know each other.  MOMSENSE, the theme for MOPS this year, was introduced.  Basically, everyone has different parenting strategies, but you just take your mom intuition and combine it with common sense to get MOMSENSE.  We made personalized coffee mugs that can be used as name tags, and so we don't have to waste plastic or styrofoam coffee cups each meeting.

We are looking forward to our next MOPS meeting on September 27th.  There will be a speaker from the fire department for the moms on fire safety, and a fire truck for the kids!  However, to make this meeting happen, we need your support-please come out this Sunday, September 25th at 2:00 to help give the second MOPPETS room a make-over. It needs a fresh coat of paint, and some rugs.  Erin and Melinda worked very hard last Sunday to scrub the walls, cabinets, bathroom, and floor clean.  We need more helpers this Sunday.  Bring your paint brushes/rollers/primer (we'll have a "paint party").  Also, if anyone has any rugs/wall art they are willing to donate to the room it would be greatly appreciated!!!  If we don't get this room ready, we may not be able to have a second MOPS meeting, and I know that the fire engine will be a HUGE hit with the kids!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First MOPS Meeting of 2011-2012!!!

Just a reminder that our first MOPS Meeting of the 2011-2012 year will be this Tuesday, September 13th beginning at 9:15 until about 11:45 at the McMillan Center (South Campus of Bradfordville First Baptist Church).  Come join us for food, fellowship, and fun, and kick off a great new year of MOPS!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

MOPPETS Registration is Now Closed

Our Pre-Registration was such a success that our MOPPETS registration is now closed due to space restrictions.  Please contact Erin Bearss at if you would like to be put on our waiting list.  Thank you for making our Pre-Registration such a success!!!