Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Re-Cap of First Meeting and New Room

We started off the MOPS year with a great breakfast provided by the Steering Committee Team, and getting to know each other.  MOMSENSE, the theme for MOPS this year, was introduced.  Basically, everyone has different parenting strategies, but you just take your mom intuition and combine it with common sense to get MOMSENSE.  We made personalized coffee mugs that can be used as name tags, and so we don't have to waste plastic or styrofoam coffee cups each meeting.

We are looking forward to our next MOPS meeting on September 27th.  There will be a speaker from the fire department for the moms on fire safety, and a fire truck for the kids!  However, to make this meeting happen, we need your support-please come out this Sunday, September 25th at 2:00 to help give the second MOPPETS room a make-over. It needs a fresh coat of paint, and some rugs.  Erin and Melinda worked very hard last Sunday to scrub the walls, cabinets, bathroom, and floor clean.  We need more helpers this Sunday.  Bring your paint brushes/rollers/primer (we'll have a "paint party").  Also, if anyone has any rugs/wall art they are willing to donate to the room it would be greatly appreciated!!!  If we don't get this room ready, we may not be able to have a second MOPS meeting, and I know that the fire engine will be a HUGE hit with the kids!

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