Sunday, October 30, 2011

Baby Shower for A Women's Pregnancy Center and Fall Craft!

Gifts for the Center!

 Our latest meeting on Tuesday, October 25th was a baby shower to benefit A Women's Pregnancy Center, which is a non-profit organization that provides free and confidential services to women and men facing possible unplanned pregnancy.  The Director (Jamie Brown) and Director of Client Services (Diane Donahue) came to speak to us about the Center, and showed us a short video of how the Center impacted the life of a woman who now works for them.  They were extremely grateful for all of the baby shower gifts, and told us ways that we could help the Center by volunteering.

Stacie did a great job with the Fall Craft-photo wreaths!  She had a table set up with all of the supplies, and was a huge help to everyone making them.  Everyone had a lot of fun making them, and I think they will be a great Christmas gift!

Selecting materials for the photo wreaths

Directors from A Women's Pregnancy Center

A Completed Photo Wreath!

Baby Talk!

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