Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Presentation by Cindy Strickland (A Moment Captured) and Preview of October 25th Meeting!

At today's MOPS meeting, we had a great presentation about photography by local photographer, Cindy Strickland.  Cindy Strickland has been photographing families, babies, children, brides, etc. for thirteen years.  She has two boys, and she used to be in MOPS when her boys were young, so she is familiar with the MOPS ministry.

She did a fabulous session on photography, complete with a beautiful slide show, and taught us the twelve elements of a successful art piece or image, as she presented examples of all of the elements.  She also gave us another handout of some general photography tips that I have been reading over, and am finding extremely helpful!

If you would like to see more of her work, you can find A Moment Captured on Facebook at:

or her website at:

At our next MOPS meeting on Tuesday, October 25th we will be having a Baby Shower to benefit A Woman's Pregnancy Center.  We will have food, games, and a craft as we collect items to help out local families in need of support and encouragement as they welcome new lives into the world.  A Woman's Pregnancy Center is a non-profit organization that provides free and confidential services to women and men facing possible unplanned pregnancy, right here in Tallahassee!  You can find out more about it online here:

Remember to check your invitation for the Layette Gift List.  Everything on the list must be new, but the Center also welcomes gently used maternity clothing, baby clothes, baby furniture, and items that are appropriate for babies up to six months. Donation receipts are available to claim a charity tax deduction.

For the craft that we will be doing at the October 25th meeting, Stacie asks that we each bring seven 4x6 pictures.

Please remember that we need to be brainstorming about Fundraising ideas for our MOPS group.  We have scheduled a Spaghetti Dinner at Bradfordville First Baptist Church on Wednesday, November 2nd from 4-6, and a sign-up sheet was passed out for people to volunteer to bring spaghetti, sauce, brownies, and/or help serve the food.  If you weren't at the meeting, but would like to sign up to help, please send an email to  Also, if you have a fundraising idea, please send an email to the same address just mentioned.

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