Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Brogan Buddies!

 On the second and fourth Mondays of the month, Brogan has a 30-minute early-learning class designed for preschoolers and an adult helper.  This Monday’s theme was “Sidewalk Wonders” and the children learned about colors and what colors you can make by mixing other colors, such as mixing blue and yellow to create green. They were then each given a small cup of chalk dust, and then added the colors they wanted to mix, plus some water, and stirred it all up.  When we went back an hour later, they each had chalk!  All of the kids who participated really seemed to enjoy the activity!

 While we waited for the chalk to harden, we went to see the Giant Bugs Exhibit on the first floor (a traveling exhibition featuring bugs of giant proportions that are computer controlled and pneumatically operated to move their heads, wiggle their antennae, buzz their wings, gnash their mandibles, and extend their enormous bodies)!

Then we went to explore the second floor exhibits, including the Early Learners area where the kids had fun playing on the crane; doing puppet shows; playing with the train table; and all the fun toys.  We all explored the Eco Lab to see the fish, turtles, crabs, and shells. 

We will definitely have another play date to the Brogan Museum soon!

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