Tuesday, July 5, 2011

So Far this Summer....

The MOPS moms and MOPPETS have managed to see each other quite a bit so far this summer! We had an official play date scheduled once a week every week in June, plus impromptu gatherings at Trousdell Pool; our new favorite place, Mardi Gras Snowballs; and the movie theatre for the Summer Movie Express ($1.00 movie special). Some of the fun things we have done are a play date at Winthrop Park; gathering for snow balls at Mardi Gras Snowballs; sand and water play at Lake Hall/Maclay Gardens; and an ice cream date at Lofty Pursuits.  It's been a great way for us to keep in touch with each other during the summer, and gives us all something fun to do to while away those looooong summer days, and keep our kids (and us!) from being bored.  It's also a great way for moms-to-be or new moms who are thinking about joining us to get to know the current MOPS moms on a more informal basis.  We had one friend join us at Lofty Pursuits, and we are hoping she will decide to join our group in the Fall!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, Lofty Pursuits was so yummy and the kids had a blast trying out all their cool toys!
