Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Very Busy Week!!!

This past week was a very busy weekend for some of our MOPS ladies and MOPPETS!

On Tuesday, several of us met for Tot Time at Trousdell Activity Pool so the little ones could swim and play in the water without getting run over by the big kids.  It was not very crowded, so the moms actually got to visit while the kids swam.

On Wednesday, some moms and kids got together at one of the mom's houses for a fun play date and then went to lunch at Red Elephant to celebrate one of the mom's birthdays.

On Thursday afternoon, some of us met for snowballs at our favorite place, Mardi Gras Snowballs!  We had two first-timers, and I think they both really liked their first snowball!

Friday morning, a couple of moms and children met at the Brogan Museum.  One of the ladies is thinking about joining our group, and I sincerely hope she does, because she and her daughter are a joy to be around, and I know they would love being a part of our MOPS group!

Another fun thing several people participated in last week was the Vacation Bible School at North Florida Christian Church. The theme was "Panda Mania", and it was extremely well-organized, and all the kids had a blast!  One of our MOPS ladies volunteered as a Crew Leader, and even though she worked long hours, she really enjoyed taking care of our MOPPETS that participated, and they were all so grateful to have her there. The closing ceremony Friday night was completely amazing, and it was evident how much time and effort went into VBS there this summer.

We have some fun events planned this week as well:  a backstage kitchen tour at the Chick fil A on North Monroe Street on Tuesday, and a birthday lunch for a mom on Wednesday at Morelia's. Both of these events were distributed as Facebook events, so please RSVP to let us know if you're coming!  They are also on the Yahoo! calendar, which can be found by clicking on the Calendar link from this page.

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